Teaching is a broad thing. Besides attending various classes and fulfilling administrative duties, I also supervise students' Master theses, and tutor them in their internships and apprenticeships.
I eagerly share my fondness for learning and the scientific method, to my students and the rest of the world.
I very much enjoy the teaching model entitled "the unknowing teacher" (Le Maître Ignorant).
Societal & Environmental Issues – Master 2 – Univ Lille – since 2023-24.
- Class #3 : Energy (fr) (2nd Oct. 2024)
- Class #5 : Digital usage dynamics (fr) (16th Oct. 2024)
- Class #6 : Ecoconception (fr) (23rd Oct. 2024)
- Advanced distributed systems (SRA2) – Master 2 – Univ Lille – since 2021-22.
- Distributed systems (SR1 & SR2) – Master 1 – Univ Lille – since 2021-22.
- Introduction to Innovation & Research (IIR) – Master 1 – Univ Lille – since 2024-25.
- Computer networks (RSX1) – License 3 – Univ Lille – since 2022-23.
- School Programs & Live Questions (PSQV) – License 3 – Univ Lille – since 2024-25.
Building a web server (UE PE web) – License 1 – Univ Lille – since 2023-24.
- Course's official website (fr) (contains the course material and exercises)
- Permalink to the course material (fr) (June 2024)
Past courses
- Software engineering (GL) – License 3 – Univ Lille – from 2022-23 to 2023-34.
- Programming – License 1 – Univ Lille – 2022-23.
- Computer networks – 2nd prep-school year – IMT Atlantique – 2021-22.
I like to see everything through the lens of distributed systems: digital infrastructures & services, human societies (including legal, economic and social interactions), planet Earth and its ecology...
Since 2020, I am part of the Spirals team (Inria, CRIStAL, Lille) which studies the adaptability of distributed systems, and is led by Lionel Seinturier.
I spent my PhD (1016-19) in the WIDE team (Irisa, Rennes), which I consider top-notch on the research topic of distributed systems protocols.
I have a keen interest in studying the environmental footprint of the digital sector: this involves understanding its global production/usage/waste chain, its relation to other economic sectors (notably the energy transitions), and its human & ecological impacts (notably regarding its mineral requirements).
I finally keep a close eye on the state of the right to privacy in Information and Communication Technology (ICT), its abuses, and technical and regulatory counter-measures.
This implies scrutinizing platforms that are used by the public at large, e.g. the Android & iOS operating systems, and the web.
Currently studied topics
Categorizing the environmental impacts (notably mineral) of the digital sector, and its interplay with the energy transitions.
I am notably accompanied by Thibault Simon, Sophie Cerf, Clément Quinton, Romain Rouvoy and Catherine Truffert on this front. Arthur Goarant also used to work with us.
NEW! Read our open-access paper from 2023, entitled: "Untangling the Critical Minerals Knot: when ICT hits the Energy Transitions". -
How do decisions regarding the software development of mobile apps influence the obsolescence of smartphones?
I notably work on this question with Lucas Deloison, Gaëlle Fret, Edlira Nano, Aurélien Tabard and Romain Rouvoy. -
Bridging the gap towards enabling decentralised and collaborative digital services, through environment sensing, information storage at the edge, and device-to-device communication.
My main colleagues on this quest are Rémy Raes, Daniel Romero Acero, Romain Rouvoy, and my former colleagues from the WIDE team: François Taïani and Davide Frey.
I am a co-founder of Deuxfleurs association, and a member of its administrative council.
It is a French digital hosting collective (we serve static websites, e-mails and the like), where we promote conviviality, and try to invent emancipatory usages of digital technologies.
We are part of the CHATONS collective, to which I also participate.
In Lille, I also partake in Chtinux, which is a constellation of Hauts-de-France collectives involved in the promotion of digital freedoms. The RAOULL members (another CHATONS association) are close pals.
You can physically discuss digital freedoms and other informatics-related topics with us, every last Tuesday of the month at Café Citoyen around 7:30PM. (Ping me first, for I cannot make it every month.)
Slides of presentations I made
- 21/11/2024 – "Les grandes questions d’un hébergeur numérique communautaire et convivial" (in French) – Séminaire Politiques Environnementales du Numérique – Centre Informatique et Société – CNRS.
- 08/10/2024 – "The material cost of the digital sector and how to constrain it" – 30min of Science – Centre Inria de l'Université de Lille.